
Showing posts from November, 2021

#4 Personal Finance – Lesson 2 -Why should you Invest the money you save?

Hi  😊 welcome to lesson no 2 ,in the basic personal finance series. Today ,we will see, why should you invest the money that you save? Hey ! you must be thinking now that, dude you just asked me to save and now you are asking me to invest that money? you must be knocking why should I invest my hard saved money and I can leave it that and keep the saved money close to me. Well!  you have to invest that saved money    for fundamentally two reasons -the first one is for the  simple and feared word known as “INFLATION !"( This first boss level foe in our financial freedom- A real toughie) We have to overcome that dreaded inflation to add value to that saved money. and the second reason is t hat the   magical phrase  which is for "  making money work for you". So ,what is Inflation---If I have to explain in practical terms, imagine we go to a supermarket to buy groceries for Rs 1000/-.   So ,in the next year, if you are going to buy the same quantity of groceries the price

#3 Personal Finance – Lesson 1 -Why should you save money?

Why should you save money? Lord. Compounding!  explained. 👍 Lesson 01 is about why you  should save money? Now I know what you guys might be thinking , dude! 😕 you just sound like my dad now !! but wait ! you know what? there is some logic when they say it and I ll try to explain the logic why they say it.     Lets take the case of two friends Sasuke and Itachi ( Characters from Anime Naruto Shippuden  😍 . Both Itachi and Sasuke completed their graduation( Ninja Academy-Leaf Village)  and they both individually at the age of 23 started to earn a salary of Rs 30000/month.                               Sasuke decided that he has enough time to save and he did not want to save right now as this was first time he was making some real money, so he decides to chill out whereas Itachi feels like he need to invests and starts investing on his upskilling that could help in advancement of his career(shinobi ninja career)  in different ways.     So now, in the 1 st  year of work both Sasuk

#2 Ink and Water experiment on the importance of Time and Goal based planning in creating Wealth .

       Heyya school time 😂 - Monday 1st  Session- Venue- Science Lab - PS: Students without  lab-coats can stand outside the class !!! 😅     Alright ! Now, imagine a transparent glass with water filled in it .Now  add  a drop of blue ink in the water and alas ! the water inside the glass changes its entire color to blue through the process of dispersion.  Now ,what is the take away with this school science lab experiment related with personal finance;     To relate things here, let us  call the water the   “time” available  for achieving our financial goals and let us call  the drop of blue ink as the “ a small systematic contribution of money ” towards our goal , let us call the transparent glass as “ rational investment vehicle”  and  finally let us  take the volume(capacity) of the transparent glass as the “ total corpus required to achieve our financial goal. ”       Just by adding a small contribution of money  (a drop of blue ink)  and by giving it time  (the water in tr

#1 A view on the Financial Planning for the beautiful Newly Weds !!

                                           Heyya! Congratulations to the beautiful couple! 💕  First things first, wish you a happy married life forever . As you know, the happiness, the world is wishing you, is for "BOTH" of you and thus here comes the crucial part of the insight of this blog and that is "togetherness.". As in geometry, it is said the shortest distance between two points is a straight line, similarly the efficient way to rule the finances of the family with sufficiency and happiness is only through the process of  "togetherness"  as   it is the the efficient way to achieve all your financial dreams through practical planning of your financial goals. But wait a moment, before tormenting your brains with a perfect financial plan, let me list out the practical sides of marriage which could affect the financial dimensions of a family's finances.  It is evident that to be happy as a couple and  to be consistent with it , I  have structure