
Showing posts from November, 2022


A SIMPLIFIED GUIDE TO BUYING PERSONAL ACCIDENT INSURANCE :_ Life is full of unknown factors. One can never really predict how the road ahead will bend. While accidents can happen anywhere and at any time, one of the most common ones is road accidents. They have become a significant root cause of death, injury, and property damage, especially in India. Recently, this fact came into highlight with the high-profile death of Mr. Cyrus Mistry, the former Chairman of Tata Sons, in a car accident. Let's look at some intense statistics about road accidents in India. Every year, an average of around 4.5 lakh accidents are reported. Approximately, 1.5 lakh people are killed in road accidents every year. As per UN WHO, the traffic fatality rate for India is about 17 per 100,000 people. In 2020, when the entire world was in lockdown, there were still 3.66 lakh road accidents in India. Road traffic fatalities increased by 7% in the first five months of 2022. The victims of Indian road accidents


  1)      COPING WITH FINANCIAL  STRESS: - Life is an ongoing adventure in which we continually strive to do our best. However, sometimes, even in our financial lives, there are occasions when the best-laid plans and well-planned actions fail to deliver the expected results, resulting in financial stress. Financial stress is more common than we think in modern life. Many of us, from all over the world and all walks of life, are having to deal with financial stress and uncertainty. Whether it's loss of work, escalating debt, death of the breadwinner, or a combination of factors, the are many reasons for financial stress. Financial problems can take a huge toll on our mental and physical health, relationships, and our overall quality of life. Feeling beaten down by money worries can adversely impact our sleep, self-esteem, and energy levels. It can even increase the risk of depression and anxiety. One may resort to unhealthy coping mechanisms, such as drinking, drug abuse or ga