
Showing posts from August, 2023

76 years of Indian Independence- A foray towards Freedom- Economic/Financial Freedom.

  "Financial freedom is not limited to wealth accumulation it is much more than it. I t means having the right amount of money when you need it and control over it " . As India celebrated 76 years of Independence, it is also a good time to reflect on our own financial freedom. What does it really mean to be financially free? And how can you achieve it? Financial independence is the ability to live the life you want without worrying about money. It means having enough money to cover your essential expenses as well as your wants and desires. Financial independence goes beyond wealth accumulation. It is having the right amount of money when you need it. If a lot of money is tied up in illiquid assets such as real estate or unsaleable stocks, you are not financially free. Financial freedom is also about having control over your money. It means not having to worry about unexpected expenses or job loss. It means being able to make life choices without being constrained by financial